Monday, October 3, 2011

Surprise 4 day weekend!

So first off, we don't have snow days here, for obvious reasons, but we do get surprise days off because the roads are too bad to get to school!  Sooooo, the 3 day weekend just turned into a 4 day one!  Except, we have to still go into town to the town hall meeting at 7:30 tomorrow, but we get to sleep an hour later! Woo Woooo!  And we'll be done with half the day to do whatever.  Cleaned the house, it's pretty much immaculant now......for a couple hours, and then dirt I'm sure will find it's way back to the floors.  Sooooo this week was a long one.  5 days of school, it was rough.  It was the first real week of school I would say, no interruptions from marching or anything.  By Friday I was ready for the weekend and the kids definately were.  They told me they can't wait for my birthday so I can finally be happy with them haha.  They don't really know the words to use for when I am stern with them.  They always say Miss is angry with us, when in reality I'm just using a stern voice, telling them what needs to get done.  They have started a collection jar too for my birthday party at school.  I kept telling them to save their money and spend it on themselves, that's what I want for my birthday, but there's no talking them out of it.  My class is trying to "beat" the other 5th grade classes party for their teacher.  Everythings a competition lol.  Whatever, as long as there's cake, I'll be happy haha.  So there were 3 teacher birthdays this week that we celebrated on Friday.  I think they all enjoyed it, the cakes, yes plural, it was amazing, they were delicious!  We also made sangria which was delicious I might say so myself. (It tasted better Saturday though after it sat for a day).  Also, we got some letters and packages Friday, which definately made our weekend super, put us in a better mood going into the weekend.  Other than that, the weekend was relaxing.  We made banana bread yesterday.  We had no measuring cups or spoons, so we used a blender and just "eyed" the teaspoons.  But it turned out well!  It's edible, not as sugary or moist as in the states, but really nothing here is, I've heard it's because of the altitude.  O! I tried octopus Saturday night!  Mandy and I were joined by our teacher friend who lives in our area, Emily, out to dinner, where she knew a great cook.  (It was kinda  a nice weekend cause some of the teachers took a trip for the long weekend, and half stayed, so we only had little groups, it is a little less overwhelming when it's not everyone all the time.  So the 3 of us went to a place called Barcito.  First we went to another bar for a drink where she knows people, so it was nice to get to know some of the locals.  So at dinner, it was like all fancy foods.  Mandy got some sausage things, which the sauce was a little weird, but I liked it.  The bread was fresh, and Emily and I split Tilapia and Octopus.  The tilapia was great!  It came with like onions and some other seasonings, and it was kinds chilled, but not cold, and it was awesome!  The octopusssss, wellllll, the tentacles still had the suction cup things on them, but we ate it.  First time eating octopus for the both of us, and we survived.  It tastes like squid (calamari) in that it's chewy, like a rubbery taste.  I can cross that off my list of things to do though.  So it was a nice, calm week.  If only I did my laundry today, I would feel more accomplished, but I'm planned for next week and the one after and the house is spotless, so it's all good.  Time to go to a teacher's daughters birthday party, so more pizza and cake, but I'm not complaining.  I hope all is well!


  1. Bears win! Hope you caught that game. Finally one enjoyable to watch! I made banana bread this weekend too. And banana cake! I am a crazy baker lol!

    Have a good week :)

  2. Yea, I heard the Bears won! We didn't get the game cause some tourists got their before us, so they had on east coast games :( I heard it was great though! And send me recipes! We want to bake because we really don't have anything to do haha. And it's cheap to get stuff to bake! You have a good week too!
