Monday, September 12, 2011

"Hurricane Humberta"

So plain and simple we were flooded today.  Here's the story....

So not only was it pouring rain today, the first day it rained all day.  So we walked home, almost made it without a tuk tuk (taxi) splattering us, I think I did ok, but Mandy definately got hit.  So we were pretty much soaked when we got hom, and immediately we see water on the balcony outside the door.  We were very anxious, like maybe we forgot to close the back door or our windows were leaking, we were just unsure.  So we open the about 3 inches of water....everywhere.  In our rooms, the bathroom, kitchen, living/dining room.  Our entire tiled floor is under 3 inches of water.  Well we walk in and inspect the damage, it takes about 30 seconds, I look in my room, there's floating shoes, luckily, my shorts shelf was unharmed.  So I put my backpack on the chair and go find our landlord because we have a waterfall coming out from under our sink.  I guess the pipe, that we were going to ask them to fix today, had completely busted and water was just rushing in.  We can't even get a bucket under to catch it.  So I go out in a panic to find the landlord and he comes out and I just start rambling, all I remember saying was mucho big problema en nosotros cocinera! With my arms out huge, look of pure panic on my face I'm sure.  He thought it would be a little water I think because when he walked into the waterfall I'm pretty sure he was in complete shock.  He tried fixing the rushing water under the sink, but then he ran out to find I think the plumber of the town?  Or whoever he was, he managed to turn off the water and fix the pipe.  We by now, we had the land lord, his mom and dad down here, the teacher from upstairs, me and mandy just kind of being like, weeellll what do we do?  So everyone starts sweeping/mopping, just trying to get the water out.  Thankfully, we have great landlords who helped us and awesome teachers around us to help "bail" us out.  So after everything had calmed, well the water was drying, everything was up and drying, I just needed to clean.  So our entire house is clean, floors, bathroom, rooms, towels got washed, everything that was put off is now clean.  So as I came back in from washing towels, Mandy went out to wash a towel and I was finishing up getting wet stuff dry, and I go outside and say (mind you, I'm still a little "p.o.ed" and just trying to make light of the situation so we don't lose it) I say, "wellllllll, I don't wanna compare this to Katrina or anything, but it's definitely like an Irene, this is what it's gotta be like, we'll call this hurricane Humberta, and we got hit hard", I didn't mean it in a mean way or anything, those are way worse, we didn't lose our prized possessions or heirlooms or anything like that, just papers and a couple books, but it was still very overwhelming at the time.  We were eating dinner and everything has passed, we're ok now, looking back it is pretty funny, and the fact that we kept putting off cleaning and washing kind of is ironic, but I did go to church last night and God coulda just subtlety told us in a nicer manner to stop procrastinating.  As for church last night, real quick, well not the service, but the story.  It was nice, power stayed on, I figured I'd go and see what it was like.  Weeellllll if you thought some priests sermons in the states are long, just sit at a Honduran mass.  It was nice and I was kinda following along, but once I saw other natives starting to doze and look bored, I   was a little relieved that it wasn't just me.  I'm pretty sure the whole congregation was clueless as to what was going on, I didn't time it or anything, but it was pushing 30 minutes that the priest was talking.  Ok, hopefully we can make it 2 more days until our long weekend and we're off on vacation to Omoa!  Please don't judge me based on my hurricane references, they were just in the moment and looking back, hilarious.


  1. :(

    You are such a good sport. I would have been way more dramatic/upset/complaining. When any more than two things go wrong I immediately think "poor me, why me!" Then I realized it could be way worse. LIKE my whole apartment flooding! So don't feel bad, you totally deserve a to name it after a mini fake hurricane.
