Sunday, August 28, 2011

Pictures of El Ruby (the waterfall trip)

So someday I'll get to ride a chicken bus, we were all prepared too, no money or jewelry, looked like we just woke up, and we rode in a van, booooo.  But here are some pictures of the trip, there are more on facebook, but I just don't feel like saving and putting them here because who knows if the power'll go out and I still need to wash the dishes. So here they are!

                                                     Just climbing a rock
                                                              Walking up
                                                 Yea, I definately had to scale some rocks and go through a little whirl pool to get over there, it was awesome
                                           You can kinda see the waterfall in the back
                                  Just some of the obsticles we went through to get there
                         All done, walking back
                                           I'm not drowning, they wanted us to put our hands in the air and tred water, wellll I don't have abs of steal! I failed a little, but that's the waterfall right behind us, I didn't get too close or I'd be sucked under, but I went close enough

1 comment:

  1. Hi Polly,

    It's Carolyn - Kevin's girlfriend. I am excited to follow your blog, heard all about it at Grandma Cheeseman's last week for Tess's bday xo
